2020 Show Season Covid 19 Suggestions
COVID-19 Show Season Operating Procedures by John Cunningham
Show Hall Access and Egress Points
1.Stop all non-essential visitors
2.Consider introducing staggered start and finish times to reduce congestion and contact at all times
3.Plan show hall access and egress points to enable social distancing – you may need to change the number of access points, either increase to reduce congestion or decrease to enable monitoring, including in the case of emergencies
4.Allow plenty of space between people waiting to enter the hall
5.Use signage:
(a) Such as floor markings, to ensure 2 metre distance is maintained between people when queuing
(b) Remind all exhibitors not to attend if they have symptoms of Coronavirus (Covid-19) and to follow guidelines
6.Require all exhibitors to wash their hands for 20 seconds using soap and water when entering and leaving the hall
7.Regularly clean common contact surfaces in the building; particularly during peak flow times
8.When exhibitors arrive at the show hall, they should wash or sanitise their hands before handling any bird cages
Hand Washing
1.Allow regular breaks to wash hands
2.Ensure adequate supplies of soap and fresh water are readily available and kept topped up at all times
3. Provide hand sanitiser (minimum 60% alcohol based) at all entrance/exit points
4. Regularly clean the hand washing facilities
5.Provide suitable and sufficient rubbish bins for hand towels with regular removal and disposal.
Toilet Facilities
1.Restrict the number of people using toilet facilities at any one time and use signage, such as floor markings, to ensure 2 metre distance is maintained between people when queuing
2.Wash or sanitise hands before and after using the facilities
3.Enhance the cleaning regimes for toilet facilities, particularly door handles, locks and the toilet flush
4.Provide suitable and sufficient rubbish bins for hand towels with regular removal and disposal.
COVID 19 – Southern Border FCC Show Guidelines - 7-11-2020
Government guidelines are forever changing and updating however whatever the guidelines are at the time, they will be implemented to ensure everyone’s safety.
It must be stressed that the governments social distancing guidelines must be adhered to at all times, they are there to promote not only your health and wellbeing but that of other exhibitors, your family members and the wider population.
Firstly, if you develop systems of the virus you should NOT come to the show.
If you are at risk of severe illness or come in to contact with someone who is extremely vulnerable then you should NOT come to the show.
Travelling to and from the show.
Whilst it is not Southern Border FCC’s responsibility, we strongly support the follow-ing;
Sanitise your hands and steering wheel before setting off to the show.
Sanitise carrying box/bag handles.
Wherever possible exhibitors should travel alone.
If this is not possible to travel alone maintain good ventilation where possible by keeping vehicle windows open.
At the show.
Exhibitors and guests are reminded that strict social distancing rules as laid down by the government will be in force at the show venue and you will be expected to adhere to these regulations throughout the show day.
On arrival exhibitors are asked to remove your carrying cases out of your car and leave them under the supervision of the stewards at the main door of the venue.
The Stewards would take the birds to be booked into the show by the show secre-tary, they will then be watered and benched.
No exhibitor(s) will be allowed into the show Hall until the show opens at 1300hrs, which will be strictly adhered to. Only the show secretary, show manager, judges and the team of stewards will be inside the hall during adjudication to minimise the number of people in the hall.
Entry and exit to the show will be through specific doors and exhibitors must use the correct doorways.
Exhibitors will sign in stating that they have been made aware of and will adhere to the social distancing markers and one-way system in force.
There will be seating within the canteen and show hall areas and these will be placed at the appropriate social distancing measures and must not be moved.
All exhibitors are responsible for their own social distancing and for reminding oth-ers who do not.
All exhibitors have a duty to take care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by your actions in the show venue. Exhibitors must co-operate with the show secretary, show manager and stewards to help everyone meet their legal requirements.
Exhibitors who repeatedly fail to maintain social distancing will be asked to leave the show venue.
Only exhibitors will be allowed into the show hall.
No other person will be allowed into the show hall unless previously authorised to do so by the show secretary.
This will ensure that we have every attendees name, address and telephone num-ber. This will enable the show secretary to contact you in the case of a COVID out-break by one or more of the persons at the show (Track and Trace)
Cough or sneeze into a tissue or the crook of your arm if you do not have a tissue and dispose of it responsibly.
All exhibitors and guests must adhere to the rules as set out regarding COVID 19.
Welfare Facilities and Communal Areas at the show venue.
Adequate hand washing facilities comprising of hot water, hand soap and towels to be provided and maintained.
The following are to be cleaned regularly (hourly - checking on this)
Taps and basins
Door handles
Towel rails
Hand rails
Toilet seats
Toilet flush handles/buttons
Cooking and drinking appliances/vessels washed or disposed of after every use
Do not share plates/mugs or cutlery
Disposable cups and plates to be used at all times.
Single use sachets of ambients such as ketchup, salt, pepper and sugar
Should the kitchen staff hold a Food & Hygiene certificate? (Southern Border kitchen staff do)
Personal Protective Equipment.
Consideration on government guidelines will be taken into account regarding the use of face masks/ face coverings and disposable gloves
There must not be more than two persons at a time to use toilet facilities
Every other urinal and washbasin will be blocked off to allow for social distancing
Wash hands before and after using the toilet
Clean toilet before and after use
Hand Washing.
Wash hands for 20 seconds or more
Regular hand washing to be promoted (Posters)
Sanitizer to be placed at the end of each row of staging for exhibitor use.
First Aid.
Any injury shall be treated on a case by case basis
If the injury is minor it will be dealt with the designated First Aider
If that is not possible direct the person to seek medical advice or assistance or call 999.
First aid kit will be held in the kitchen.
If someone falls ill/shows symptoms at show or after the show (up to 14 days).
Notify show manager immediately
Ask the exhibitor to leave for home immediately
Close show ensuring all exhibitors wash their hands and sanitise hands before leaving on their journey home.
Close of show.
Ensure (ask) all exhibitors wash their hands and sanitise hands before leaving on their journey home.
Give exhibitors a leaflet and explain it would be in their best interest on arriving home to once again wash and sanitise hands, steering wheel, door handles and handles of their carrying boxes.
Cleaning at end of the show.
Enhanced cleaning procedures will be followed at the end of the show with particu-lar attention to the following;
Taps and wash basins
Toilet flush and seats
Door handles
Hand rails where applicable
The canteen table tops and communal areas
Disposing of all rubbish
Currently the vast majority of retailers/businesses are not accepting cash pay-ment. Therefore, admission charge and catalogue fee must be paid prior to the show with entry money by cheque or bank transfer.
With regard to food and drink there are two options:
1.A limited canteen where exhibitors and guests will prepay for food and drink prior to the show with entry fee (this could include tea/coffee in takeaway cups, cans of drinks and sandwiches/rolls individually wrapped. Food and drink will only be available to those that have prepaid to avoid cash handling.
2.There is no canteen and exhibitors and guests will bring their own food and drink.
Suggestions from Doncaster
1. One-way system around the staging when stewards are collecting and returning birds also pre and post judging, this will also continue once exhibitors are allowed to view, as Doncaster’s show manager I would have no problem monitoring and enforcing this at our show.
2. As many kitchen facilities may be unavailable , maybe look to an outside catering van, I am sure there are many local to all areas that would accommodate and even give a small contribution to the show given the time of year , this would take away the handling of plates cups etc as all would be throw away .
3.If permitted the use of kitchen facilities, the use of disposable cups and paper plates.
4. Entry of birds one exhibitor at a time to be called from their vehicle to enter their birds by show manager.
5. Lifting of birds. Look to lift birds up earlier than usual and limit say 6 exhibitors at a time to lift, assisted by a steward and lifting card, then move to their vehicles and wait until all birds are clear.
We all understand that we may have to cut down on the number of exhibitors but still ensure the bird numbers, maybe a couple of exhibitors from certain areas offering transport, also could clubs send a strip of raffle tickets with entry form help clubs financially.
I hope these may be of some use
Nigel Leader
Show Manager Doncaster B.F.C.C.
Guidance on the holding of Annual Shows 31/07 2020
The Covid 19 pandemic is something we have not witnessed in our lifetime; it has spread across the globe faster than any other disease.
Whilst it is deadly to sections of the community, the elderly and those with underlying health conditions, in others it is asymptomatic showing none or only mild symptoms. To further complicate matters sufferers become infectious prior to showing symptoms.
Yesterday the B.C committee was asked by 2 Club secretaries for guidance on the holding of shows.
With the best will in the world the committee is made up of Border fanciers who are working for the benefit of the hobby, we are not medical professionals, health and safety workers or government officials.
Therefore, any advice we can offer is second-hand based on information coming from the Government something which changes by the week, or even by the hour. As of today, there are further lockdown and restrictions in the Greater Manchester, East Lancs. and West Yorkshire area, affecting some six million people.
This we know does not help Club committees wrestling with the difficult decision as to whether or not they should cancel their show. Therefore, below are some guidelines, albeit obvious ones
Guidelines Before Cancelling
1.Consult your management team, are they willing help at a show?
2.Consult your Venue on any restrictions they might impose or added extra cost for cleaning, or penalty for cancelling.
3.Keep up to date with Government restrictions in your locality.
4.Do a straw poll of your regular exhibitors, to see if they are willing to show. Many travelling long distances might be unwilling to do so.
5.Leave your cancellation date as late as possible to see if there is any change in government policy, but make sure you do not have to pay late cancellation fees for your venue.
6.Whilst the B.C would like to see bird shows go ahead; we would not want to put any fancier at risk of infection.
Recently on social media there has been some vitriolic exchanges between pro and anti-supporters of holding shows. Please respect the views of all fanciers they must be free to make their own decisions, on what is, or is not right for the health of themselves and their family.
One last thought (not to colour the issue) if this was a bird flu epidemic, we would not be having this discussion, all shows would be cancelled