Egg Binding
The Birdcare Company’s modern take on Egg-Binding
Malcolm Green – technical director
The theory we used to work on was that calcium is required for efficient nerve and muscle function and so calcium deficient birds simply could not push the egg out. There are actually a number of clues that this simple theory is wrong. But typically none on their own were enough to get us to think about this differently. Funnily it was our experience selling similar products for horses that have shed most light on what seems to be happening.
So here are some clues that simple calcium deficiency isn’t the story:
So what is Calcivet? Technically it is a chelated calcium supplement. The calcium is bound to a couple of glucose molecules. We used to think that just improved the way it is absorbed but actually it turns out that molecules like this are perfectly normal components of the blood and body fluids and they seem to have a role in almost every cell in the body to get them to work as nature intended. These molecules don’t give up their calcium at all so they are not a calcium supplement.